Hooray! There is a new kid in town! Put on those sneakers and get to the table.
I use the official LEGO® Serious Play® Real Time Change® method to help people in organizations constructively prepare and getting ready for change or make complexity in change more clear by building the “as now” and the “to be” together, even test out some scenario’s and the impact of types of (potential) change as kind of a testlabo. Where needed we can create a solid human centered strategy and tactics with this method that will ensure a successful change. It’s mindblowing.
Can you do that all with LEGO®?
Sure! The Real Time Change® method is based on an empirical research project about readiness for change, which draws on theories from strategic management, organization studies, and psychology. It provides counterbalance to heavy change programs and I’m proud to be one of the first 100 facilitators worldwide to pioneer with this expertise.
From the outside, a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshop may just look like playing with Lego, but the structured process elicits deep thinking, powerful story telling, authentic collaboration and problem solving of complex challenges that organizations and teams face.
Real Time Change® is a new application of the Lego Serious Play (LSP) methodology, designed by Prof. Johan Roos and Micael Buckle and tested with more than 1000 participants all over the world. Real Time Change® is designed to help organizations accelerate their ability to respond to and embrace change. The goal is to enable organizations to quickly adapt to sudden changing conditions, new leadership, customer needs, and technology advancements. It is designed to help organizations develop the skills and capabilities needed to quickly shift direction, quickly adapt to changes and innovate new solutions.

The amount of time it takes for a workshop can range from a half day to four day full exploration. As a trained and certified facilitator, I can design a custom workshop (NL/ENG) for you using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods that fits with your organization’s needs. If needed, I’m available afterwards as change coach and sparring partner. You can find more info and credentials lower down in the blog.
Are you familiar with ADKAR, no worries, you will notice that it blends magically in workshops. No knowledge át all of preparing and rolling out change? Totally fine, you will be up to date in no time and I’ll help you translate it to your daily practice. No fancy consultancy blablabla, I like to be your partner in this. For a workshop to prep your leaders and teams for growth or change, a business analysis or for the whole shabam.

I can also recommended it for external technical (IT) partners to utilize this method together with clients to ensure the integration with the people side of change.
Contact me for more info and get started on designing your LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® REAL TIME CHANGE® workshop!
Hi, I’m Sofie, your LSP Change facilitator!

Let’s dive in and discover how I can challenge you while you are Seriously Playing. I’m an Expert in HR & Change Management, Teamcoaching and Leadership Coaching, Senior Advisor in Innovative Labour Organizations, and I have over 15 years’ experience in different SME organizations and industries. My focus of interest and expertise is on supporting (often technical) leaders and the people side of change with a systemic approach, while maintaining the delicate balance between culture and structure. I like to give a voice to people, break down silo’s and stimulate collaboration. I’m holding a degree in Business Management and Human Resources Management and I love to inspire about dealing with complex change in organizations and the brave leadership that comes with it. I’m passionately dedicated to learning and sharing knowledge with the people I collaborate with. My certifications include Senior Advisory in Innovative Labour Organizations, Certified Scrum Master, Sociocracy 3.0, Intervision facilitator, Certified Leadership & Teamcoach, Certified in Pedagogical competence and official LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®REAL TIME CHANGE® facilitator, fully trained in the home of Lego Billund, Denmark. Click on the badge to see the full credentials and level of expertise. It would be great to be connected on LinkedIn too! You can also follow me on instagram (lsp_change_architects).
About the Lego® Serious Play® Method | Info
Lego® Serious Play® is a lean forward, hands on technique, where everyone plays and enables 100% participation and 100% buy-in, through visual and physical co-creation. It is based on a set of basic principles:
- Everyone has a voice: everyone within a group or an organization can contribute to the discussion and help generate solutions.
- Think with your hands: bypass the biased thinking by “doing” first trusting your hands-brain connection, then reflecting & sharing, in order to enhance understanding and creativity.
- The answer is in the system: leverage complexity through an eco-systemic approach, since no one in the group has the answer to the challenge (neither the facilitator nor the group’s leader).
- There is no one right answer: diverge, without boundaries, through different views and perceptions, and then converge to shared values and guiding principles
The Lego® Serious Play® method is underpinned by some key theories and
concepts that make it remarkably powerful:
- The concept of play
- Storytelling and the use of metaphors, which are both key components of play
- Constructivism (Piaget, 1936) and its extended version developed by Papert (1986), constructionism. These theories state that learning is more effective when people construct something tangible in the real world.
- The interconnection between the brain and the hands.
- The flow model (Csíkszentmihályi, 1975) shows how the mental state of a person engaged in a specific activity can change depending on the challenge level and
skill level. During a LSP workshop participants often reach the optimal level of engagement when they are in a ‘hands on’ process: this is what Csikszentmihalyi calls ‘flow’.
A Lego® Serious Play® workshop is a structured process where participants are asked to use Lego® bricks to build models representing their thoughts, reflections and ideas.
- Normally a Lego® Serious Play® workshop is at the same time closely regulated and tailor-made. Trust in the process should always coexist with a strong value and purpose driven facilitation.
- That’s why the workshop should be led by a certified and experienced facilitator always, in this case also a change & organizational development expert, who has the task to design the best possible experience together with the sponsor, and then to guide participants through the activities.
Type of challenges that can be reflected on:
- Organizational level: addressing concerns and opportunities related to organizational change (for example in scaling-up, digital transformation, redesign in managerial levels, new services or products, automation, …), visualizing the impact of a specific change, generating creative ideas and solutions to challenges, exploring different scenarios and potential outcomes, …
- Team & (project) group level: alignment on vision and goal, clarifying roles and responsibilities, exploring leadership styles and qualities within the team, addressing barriers and levers to effective communication and collaboration, increase psychological safety, optimize skill mix in a team, …
- Individual level: leadership development (leader as now < to be)
What makes Lego® Serious Play® unique?
Many workshop sessions, which rely heavily on only dialogue, PowerPoint or post-its, put information into short-term or working memory, only to be forgotten. If you think back to the last workshop session you attended, it probably did not impact the way you work. But it is also likely that you still remember experimenting with chemical reactions in high school science class. That is because you experienced something memorable–you were the explorer, discovering and learning information through doing.
The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY® process works in a similar way. People lock the information they gain into the subconscious mind. Unlike the science class experience, these activities are directly relevant to what is happening at work right now. The insights and new knowledge that participants gain are hardwired and accessible when they need it for situations back at the office. Ready for some Serious Play®?